September 2021

I was correct, I do have a finish or two to report. I had a very plesant August, it turns out having two weeks off work is delightful. Which combined with a bank holiday, means i’m feeling quite motivated to crack on with things from the list

Which currently looks like this:

  1. Butterfly cross stitch – No change
  2. Jumper – No change
  3. Chinese landscape cross stitch – No change
  4. Clamshell draft excluder – No change
  5. Rosemallow quilt – A couple more hexagons have been made again
  6. Large mixed media embroidery – A little more has been done
  7. Small embroidery project – A little more has been done
  8. A beaded necklace – One of my craft goals for the year was to make one of the patterns I owned, and as i had my beading group, I decided it was time to start it (that I came home with a different new pattern is a whole other matter)
  9. A hat – to match the sweater scarf

Talking of which my finishes for the month are:

  1. The sweater scarf. It looks fab and I’ve finished it in time for it to start getting cold.
  2. A mask – I keep losing them so havng another is really useful
  3. A shopping tote – I’ve been thinking about it for a while and finally got round to it. I used up some cute panda fabric because where else am I going to use it

I bought home quite a few things from pottery and have been trying out some new shapes with some mixed results. I’ll keep trying til I get there.

My feature image is of the first batch tomatoes I harvested off of my plants. I’ve had a second batch since and will get another couple providing we get at least some warmth in September