February 2022

January has been a mixed month, bits have been busy and bits have been slow going. I’ve been trying to take it gently and be kind to myself by being relaxed about what I do or don’t feel like doing at the end of the day. Although its been mild so far the winter is not over yet and I’d like to make it through in an easier fashion than last year. As I made making progress on the 3 longer term projects my goal, I’m rearranging my list a little bit

  1. Jumper – I did one row. The goal was one stitch so this is progress. This one was the hardest to pick up so I’m hoping having done some will help unblock that
  2. Chinese landscape cross stitch – I used two threads, so I’ve added a tiny bit more detail to the tree I’m working on
  3. Large mixed media embroidery – I completed a section and started the next. Its not loads but it is something
  4. Clamshell draft excluder – More clamshells were added and more have been cut out
  5. Rosemallow quilt – some quilt math was done, a couple more hexagons were sewn together, some bigger shapes sewn and some new pieces cut out
  6. Butterfly cross stitch – No change
  7. Small embroidery project – No change
  8. A beaded necklace – I worked on this in my beading group, so one more of the components is complete
  9. A herringbone rope – the beading is one, so just metal components to go
  10. Beaded stars on a set of christmas lights – I have a goal of one star a week, and I’m a couple of weeks ahead

I haven’t finished anything this month, but I’ve made progress all over the place so I’m happy with it.

Potterywise, I’ve only been a couple of times, but I have a plant waterer and a soap dish in the works. I should also be able to bring home a pot and a small llama next time I go.

My feature image is from a sunset walk I went on at the weekend.