October 2023

I’ve been taking the month very gently, made some changes to my routine and I am finally starting to see some small improvements to my energy. One of the ways I can tell is that I’ve been feeling angsty about not making the kinds of things I want to be making. I even ended up googling embroidery qualifications. I am noticing how not going to pottery means I don’t have a regular relaxed way of doing something purely creative. All of my other hobbies require so much more time I’m less of a risk taker with them. I’m still thinking about how to resolve this but in the meantime I’ve got out a couple of more challenging projects and have been enjoying doing something different to just EPP for a change.

Which does mean there’s a couple of surprises here:

  1. Jumper – No change
  2. Chinese landscape cross stitch – No change
  3. Large mixed media embroidery – No change
  4. Clamshell draft excluder – No change
  5. Mandolin quilt – I’m working on mandolin 16
  6. A beaded Christmas wreath – several more inches have been added, I’m on the third colour of green so getting through my beads
  7. The mixed media quilt as you panels – No change
  8. A beaded bauble – I’ve done quite a bit more both at my beading group and at home. There’s still plenty to do but a chance of being done by Christmas now
  9. A cherish quilt – No change
  10. Two quilts – the sewing group is doing a quilt drive for project Linus. Both are basted. One has about half the quilting done and the other is waiting.

I’m looking forward to seeing what October brings even if I’m less keen about the change of seasons.

My feature image is from an arboretum visit with my parents.