June 2022

May ran away with me, so I’m not sure what I’ve done craftwise, and that’s okay. I’m in the process of planning a new project but also looking for some short term projects to keep myself interested.

  1. Jumper – I did one round
  2. Chinese landscape cross stitch – I did more of the pergola
  3. Large mixed media embroidery – I did a tiny bit
  4. Clamshell draft excluder – the last couple of clamshells that I’d cut out have been basted
  5. Rosemallow quilt – I have 3 large panels to join together
  6. A beaded necklace – no change
  7. Beaded stars on a set of christmas lights – I made a couple more stars

I also finished a knitted sunglasses cases. It was a small project done in chunky wool and I really needed to finish something.

If you are eagle eyed, you’ll have noticed that I dropped a cross stitch project. I picked it up again and remembered why I’d put it down. It was a badly put together kit with colours that didn’t really match the pattern so I wasn’t enjoying it. So I’m not doing it any more, I’ll use the remaining materials in other projects.

Pottery has been productive. I’ve bought home a spoon dish, some hanging birds (not yet hung), an artsy vase and a bowl

My feature image is of my roses, a new plant on my balcony