May 2023

There’s been a lot of sewing this month, and very little else. Ive been enjoying being surrounded by fabric

  1. Jumper – No change
  2. Chinese landscape cross stitch – No change
  3. Large mixed media embroidery – No change
  4. Clamshell draft excluder – No change
  5. A beaded necklace – The beading is done all I need to do is add hardware
  6. Mandolin quilt – I’m halfway through basting edge pieces and have begun sewing the 10th and 11th rounds. I’m doing this batch of rounds differently to the previous ones. Previously I picked all the fabrics and cut all the pieces before I began sewing. This time I’m picking the fabrics for the first three shapes, sewing that section and then picking fabric for the next two sections. Partly cos I kept changing my mind and partly because I’m trying not to reuse fabrics in the same position so I have fewer and fewer combos to pick from.
  7. A beaded Christmas wreath – a little growth occurred
  8. The mixed media quilt as you panels. I have three panels. I did two with a mix of needleturn applique and English paper piecing and then I had a go at kawandi quilting, where you later fabrics and hand quilt as you go. The next panel will be fully English paper piecing
  9. A beaded bauble. This is my new beading group project, and is a kit I was bought a couple of years ago
  10. A cherish quilt. This is a pattern I’ve known Ive wanted to make for a while and I recently bought a fabric on a whim while picking up some more backing fabric for the mandolin quilt, that I knew would work well with this pattern. The pattern lets you feature largish bits of the central fabric so is great for patterns with larger motifs or lots of details. I am planning to use the quilt to highlight my favourite fabrics. I picked a few pieces I’ve been saving and cut centre pieces. I’ve then found one where I have the perfect fabrics for the other sections. For the others, I am less certain so not making any decisions yet. I’m planning for this to be a very intentional quilt that’s made over several years, just using fabrics I really love, so I’m happy to wait and see what I bring home.

Pottery wise I bought home a beautiful coiled bowl and then I went to a painting evening hosted by the studio. I enjoyed it and the end result is fine but it’s not going to be a regular craft for me

May is looking busy, but you never know what might happen

The feature image is from a visit to Chatsworth House with friends